According to health experts, snoring is one of the most ignored health problems. More than 40 million Americans are believed to suffer from snoring on a regular basis. According to health experts, snoring is one of the most ignored health problems. More than 40 million Americans are believed to suffer from snoring on a regular basis. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease and high blood pressure among others reports Daily Mail . Snoring occurs when your muscles begin relaxing during sleep which narrows or blocks your airways causing noisy vibrations in breathing passage. It is caused by various reasons including faulty sleeping position, alcoho consumption before bedtime or even genetics according to Dr Alex Wu , an otolaryngologist atLenox Hill Hospital in New York. “People snore because of their facial structure, or because they have a deviated septum ,” Dr Wu said. “The majority of the time people are not aware they snore.” Snoring can be more serious if it’s caused by sleep apnea which is when breathing stops while one is asleep for some seconds or minutes. The sufferer will often wake up feeling groggy and disoriented after having experienced multiple breathing pauses during sleep. “Sleep apnea affects oxygen levels in your blood,” Dr Wu said. “You’re getting desaturated with oxygen every time you stop breathing.” According to health experts, this condition puts strain on your heart hence increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease among otherhealth complications reports Huffington Post . Dr David Cunnington , an Australasian Sleep Association’s medical officer said that people who snore loudly should consult health experts. The health experts include family doctors, ENT physicians or even cardiologists to check the health condition since it may be due to other health problems. “It is very important for people with sleep apnea to get their condition diagnosed,” Cunnington said . |