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Sustainable water bottles from sugar cane

In general, it’s very safe to drink tap water and most major cities are using filling stations these days to ensure water is easily accessible. To be able to use those we of course need an empty bottle. We’d like to introduce the sugar cane reusable water bottle today. There are different ways of producing reusable water bottles, for example using fossil-based plastic, glass or aluminum. But there are also other more sustainable water bottles available.


Sustainable water bottles

Bottle Up bottles are made from sugar cane, a bio-based and renewable source. The raw material is produced from pressing the sugar cane plant, while the traditional plastic bottles use fossil sourced raw materials like oil and gas


To make the production process as efficient as possible, Bottle Up look for water and bottling partners who are located as near to each together as possible.


As Bottle Up expands to more locations across Europe, they will make sure to replicate the same production process in each country: local partners working close together to reduce transport costs and the impact on the environment. 

Bottle Up mission

Our mission is simple: to eliminate single-use water bottles. When we are thirsty and on the go, we want to drink something as soon as possible. And although lots of us try to avoid buying water in single-use water bottles, most shops don’t offer an alternative.


That’s why we offer spring water in reusable water bottles made of sugar cane: a sustainable solution for on the go, available at an affordable price.

Let’s Bottle Up and reduce the amount of plastic in our streets, rivers and oceans.


So, is plastic really to blame for our littered beaches?

If you ask me, we need to blame the people who put them there, the consumers: you and me. Over 80% of littering is intentional, carried out by individuals. The reason there is so much plastic waste is because we are using so much of it in the first place. So, Reuse and Reduce!


Should we really ban plastic and use alternatives or compostables?

Switching to other resources isn’t the answer either, as we’ve seen in the examples above. If we were to ban all plastic and replace it with alternatives like glass, metals, paper, aluminum, or compostables, the resources required, and CO2 emitted would treble and the amount of energy needed would more than double.


So, Reuse and Reduce!

Don’t go to war on plastic just because it’s the most visible littered material. Gather the facts. Plastic is a precious and functional resource which we need to keep in the materials-loop. It’s unlikely the world will ever be plastic free. Start using reusable plastic in a safe and responsible way, choose sustainable plant based-plastic rather than shifting blindly to other resources. Reuse and Reduce!